Manual Osteopathic
Getting to the root of the dysfunction
Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy that uses gentle, hands-on treatment to restore movement and balance in the body's structure. Osteopathic treatment is relaxing and inhibitory. Without the use of high velocity or aggressive adjustment, treatment appeals to the nervous system, allowing the body to integrate the corrections. Various treatment approaches help to ease pain, reduce swelling, reduce tissue tension, and promote healing.
Principle-based techniques such as myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, oscillatory osteoarticular release, strain-counterstrain, craniosacral, and visceral osteopathy are used collectively throughout treatment to reduce or remove restrictions in order to balance asymmetry to restore the body back to normal function. Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner draws upon their in-depth knowledge of anatomy to address the specific health issues of each individual and believes in working with clients to achieve lasting health changes. Each rendered treatment is specific and unique to each individual.
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